Mini Switch:
Not pressing switch, plugs in 1 and 3
-voltage not present
Pressing switch , plugs in 1 and 3
-voltage present
Plugs in 1 and 2
-reversed from when it is in plugs one and three
-switch constantly on when unpressed
-when pressed the current is stopped
Analog Inputs
-Range 49-5500Ohms
NTC resistor
-value 1186
NTC Resistor warmed
-value 1140
-One can change the direction of the motor shaft without switching between CW and CCW by putting power to O1 for CW or O2 for CCW
15.When the reed switch and eleectromagnettouch there is a current through the reed switch moving it from zero to one
16.normally close
18 the more light the photoresistor recieves the less it can actually resist
19.There is no relationship.
1.the two lines together means constantly on and the lines broken up means constantly off
2.resistance decreases as the NTC resistor heats up because warmer metals transfer current easier than cold metals allowing the current to travel through it easier.
Good job. Figure out the formating so that the text doesn't wrap around the image the way it does. That's a readability issue! Thanks.