Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Egg Drop Challenge - Iteration #1

Egg Drop Activity

30 Achievements

Weight 42.8g

1-3 Create a Sketch of possible solution

4. Use a decision matrix

5.List of Materials for build day

6.Plan for bringing in materials.-
I found the styrofoam ;While Austin planned to bring in the parachute material (tissue paper), and I was tasked wiith bringing in the string.

7.Material fit in Printer Box

8.Materials fit in shoe box

9-14. Weighs less than 50g
weighed 42.8g

15-19. Hit Bullseye

20-26. Egg didnt break/crack/spill

27. Describe using Alebra
28. Describe using Arithmetic
29. Describe using Geometry
30. Describe using calculus

5) What designs from your class did well? Based on the achievements you earned, how would you redesign your solution to score better? Be specific (sketches with labeling work well for this).
The parachute designs seemed to do the best. The parachute slowed down the egg enough to were the force of the landing wasn't enough to break the egg. If I had to redesign my project, I would try and shave off a few grams to try and get it under 25g and fit into an altoid box. I would have used only a parachute and made a harness with which to put the egg in. If we did this, im confident we would not lose any of our current achievements and we would have improved the efficiency of our design.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Glider Design Guidelines

1) What's the challenge?

2) Brainstorm solutions:
-What are the rules of brainstorming? (oxymoron)
-List your ideas
-Sketch at least two of them

3) Specify:
-Constraints (be specific about materials available)

4) Develop Solutions:
-Sketch (with labels)
-Model in CAD

Bonus) Prototype your prototype with Paper

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Marble Machine Control Project

Friday, March 4, 2011

OPT-in Chromium Mystery

Chromium is essentially Stainless Steel and the grade shown on the packaging is the type of stainless steel and the amount of  Chromium or other materials are in it . Ours shows a "Grade 24" which puts it in a a Chrmomium containing stainless steel category.  Specifically

"Ferritic Stainless SteelThe family of Ferritic stainless steel alloys has chromium content of more than 10.5% and a low carbon content. They are plain chromium grades, display magnetic properties and cannot be hardened. They are not suitable for fabrication and are moderately resistant to corrosion. They can be polished and are used for the manufacture of automotive exhausts and sometimes for welding applications. "


3.1.2 Flowcharting

1.How is flowcharting similar to using a map to plan for a road trip.
They are similar in that both give directions on what to do step by step.
2 Flow Chart of a Potential day

Monday, February 28, 2011

3.1.7 Machine Control Design

For  3.1.7 We opted to build a motor driven cart that included safety switches and controlled by a potentiometer.

This is the first attempt at creating a Program for our motor driven cart.
didnt work too well due to their not being anypotentiometer requirements and there was no way to stop the cart.

This was our end product.
Obviously had a little to many commands than necessary but this program created a endless loop in which the cart could run with or without using the potentiometer.

These are our brainstorm sketchesto the cart problem.

We opted for the Top design due to its more concise design.

Lastly here is our actual build

1.The most difficult part of the problem would have to be the writing of the actual program.
-Utilizing potentiometer.
-getting program to work non-stop
-Organizing inputs and outputs
-finding icons of parts we need.

2. Two features not included in the design that could be incorporated to better the design could be a
A.- Longer rail or curved rails so that the cart could travel over longer distances and be used more efficently.
B.-Larger  Cart so that more objects could be carried by the cart over the distance.